Portrait of Karin Rowhani Wimmer.

Selected Lectures

In recent years I have given lectures at the invitation of the following institutions:

  • Council of Europe, Human Rights and Biomedicine (CDBBIO)

    International conference on "Autonomy and mental healthcare", Riga Latvia

  • Council of Europe, Central Asia Rule of Law Programme 2020-2023

    International Conference on Prevention of Torture and Ill-treatment in the Police Sector, Almaty Kazakhstan

  • Ludwig Bolzmann Institute for Fundamental Human Rights

    "Justice for All" project Strengthening the rights of persons with intellectual and/or psychosocial disabilities deprived of their liberty under criminal law

  • Austrian Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

    Further training courses on children's rights and ethics, amendment to the Hospitalisation Act, medical treatment

  • Medical University of Vienna, interdisciplinary lecture series: "One in five"

    "Legalised violence"

  • Office for Youth and Family Department for child welfare, municipality of Vienna

    Further training on the topic of the Home Residence Act

  • Violence Protection Centre Tulln - Symposium on violence against elderly persons

    "Legal protection mechanisms"

  • Representation Network, Department of Patient Advocacy

    "Fundamental rights monitoring"

  • EX-In, pro mente

    "Restrict to protect"

  • Regular lectures on the Home Residence Act and Accommodation Act

Selected Publications

In addition to ongoing assessments and reports for the Austrian Ombudsman Board and the Council of Europe, I also publish on access to human rights for marginalised groups

  • Disabilities

    in Bakic/Coulin-Kuglitsch/Kronberger: Praxis sozialer Arbeit in Österreich.
    An attempt to organise with exemplary outlooks vol.2 (2022) 164-179).

  • Application of the HeimAufG to care facilities for people with substance use disorders

    iFamZ 2019, 178-192.

  • Restrictions on freedom and violence against residents. Perceptions of residents' representatives: open problem areas

    in Brinek/Rösslhumer, Eine von fünf. Protection of women against violence in all life situations (2017) 86-95.

  • Human Rights and Justice

    in Bakic/Diebäcker/Hammer: Aktuelle Leitbegriffe der Sozialen Arbeit.
    A critical handbook vol.3 (2016) 120-133.